DM Hukill

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"Now it's your world. You are the center of everything. In the past, politicians wanted to change things. Including you. The new system listens to you. Observes you. Understands you. And gives you what it knows you want. If you liked that, then you will love this. And nothing need ever change. All around you are two-dimensional images of people who died long ago. They say, 'Don't bother with the future. Stay here with us. Forever.'"
- Massive Attack v Adam Curtis

Debbie Reynolds. Carrie Fisher. George Michaels. Just three more to add to the pile of comforting memories. If you haven't already rushed out to purchase some piece of their legacy, at least sit glued to your phone reliving their contributions long enough to miss what's going on outside.

Meanwhile, as our leaders promote the myths that keep our society running, they certainly don't believe them. They continue to find ways to control the forces of selfish individualism. Sleep tight.